Tube-Well Water Selling

Android Application

Tube-Well Water Selling an efficient tool for maintaining water selling records. Users can easily input customer information, order details, billing, and complete ledger entries in native Urdu Language. Data safety is ensured with the option to import and export data, allowing for effortless backups and sharing. With clear instructions for installation, the user-friendly app simplifies the process from ordering to usage. Currently available in Urdu, future releases may offer customization. Users can request additional features through custom orders or direct contact with our support team. Experience seamless water selling record management with Tube-Well Water Selling Application.


  • ⦿ Customers, Orders
  • ⦿ Recovery, Ledgers
  • ⦿ Export Data, Import Data
  • ⦿ Customization Possible*

System Requirements:

  • ⦿ Operating System: Android Min.4.2
  • ⦿ Memory (RAM): 512 of RAM required
  • ⦿ Disk Space: 20 MB of free space required
  • ⦿ Processor: Any